Data Lake

Welcome to the data lake. Eventually there will be more content here providing details of Lakebed, data lakes, and user next steps. Lakebed is still developing the MVP so that is taking priority over content. Eventually Lakebed customers should be able to customize the look & content to meet their needs.

Next Steps

Register A New Account

Users must have an account to accomplish most things within a Lakebed installation. Click 'Register' above or use the menu on the left to navigate to the registration page.

Login To An Existing Account

Once users have registered for an account they must login to the account.

Edit Account Details

Users can use the account page to manage their account details, change their password, etc.

View Account Permissions

By enabling users to see what permissions they do & do not have users can request increase permissions from system administrators as needed.

Event Log

Users can see account activity in the event log.

Manage Data

Users may mistakenly upload the wrong data, upload duplicates, etc and may need to review, manage, and delete data. Additionally, large uploads and files automatically uploaded (from servers nd IoT devices, for example,) for processing can be managed within this functionality.


The first step in using data is understanding what data is available. The explore functionality provides general analysis of all columns including the number of null/blank values, the average length of values, the type (text or numeric) values, etc.

Query Builder

The query builder provides a visual user interface where users can select columns to include in an API data query. Lakebed uses an abstraction of SQL (SQL Abstract Syntax Tree) to process data queries. This allows the flexibility of API queries while also allowing system administrators to disable columns and manage API/Ddata query permission.


Some settings are for system administrators only while others may be used by others. the system administrator can change the database server, create new database tables, etc from within settings. External data sources can be added, which Lakebed will pull new data from on a regular basis. Finally, notifications (email and within app) can be managed within settings.

Manage API Tokens

Lakebed provides API tokens for data access. This allows a unique token to be issued for every application or report accessing the data. With these unique tokens it becomes possible to log the individual application making API queries. It is also possible to provide token-level permissions to limit a given token to certain columns or certain queries.


Within the Welcome section there are pages for 1.) system administrators to welcome them to a new installation of Lakebed, and 2.) for new users to welcome and oboard them to the Lakebed application.


The Help section provides additional help beyond the contextual, in-app help already provided.